Issac Smith

The following letter was given to the Point Prim Lighthouse Society in 2022 by Caroline Corcoran.

The letter is from her 4x Great Grandfather Richard Smith, Issac Smith architect of the lighthouse and PEI Legislature’s son, to this daughter updating his daughter on her brothers living in America.

Original letter and transcription below

Issac Smith


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Harum [Town in Yorkshire, England], January 25-1827

Dear Daughter
I have long delayed writing you but it was not for want of. Respect we have expected letters from America these two months or more but as yet have not received any. The last we received was dated December, 1825. At that time they were all in good health and wished to be remembered to all friends and brothers and sisters and Henry says he hopes to see all his dear friends in England. In a little time your brother Isaac ___ nothing of coming. The reason I think is in having one hundred pounds a year for being Clerk to some merchants and has left his trade to Henry. They say they want nothing this world can afford but the separation of their friends is a grief they have at heart which still cleaves to them, and to us home should we wish to see them again before our eyes are closed in death, ah that parting day is Ever in my mind and their dear mother’s still cherish the fond hope of seeing them again in the flesh should the almighty of his goodness see fit he can dispose them to return as it was his good pleasure that disposed them to leave home. We are sure they have gained more than all America is worth in getting Religion

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which is of more value than the Indies. Isaac is a local preacher whether Henry is or not we don’t as yet know. We have had some persons that has seen them at our house that speaks of them being more than most commonly is found among religious people and I can bless god and say your brother John is the very same. I don’t know of his ever having given offence to any person in his life with intent to do so. Should it please the great disposer of events they should return from America. You with me___ will be glad to see that day if we are_______. Time ____ write this letter we have received one from______ dated December 16-1826. You may believe we were very well pleased to hear of their being in good health and doing very well for the next world. Isaac says he has some thoughts of returning next spring whether he says so to please us or he means to come time will determine. If we could hear of a situation to suit him he would very likely return as he mentioned it before by saying if we could find him a situation that would be likely to visit where he could of afford his bearings but in the Country hear abouts here nothing to suit them should you

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or Mr. Smith if he should know of a place that would be likely to suit him To follow his trade of house builder and can’t ______ you may let us know if Mr. Smith knows of any place where one of the above business is wanted if you think Mr. Smith will not take it a ___ for you to say anything to him you need not mention it to him if you think it will give any [crease and tearing] is known where many is and george and Eleanor and how Richard is Employed and how you like Stockton and if you like it as well and can live as well as at Huntington and we think Richard might come to see us if you cannot come __? Mother thinks he [crease in line] we shall some of us come in summer to see you whether [hole in paper] or no your brothers in America send their love to you both we intend to send you the letter we have received. Last you will have heard of the Death of your Cousin Jane Bower on the 9 th of october and to all appearances your
aunt her mother will follow her to all appearance in a short time. Rich Smith,
Your brothers and sister give their best respects to you with father and mother